Mood ring moods
Mood ring moods

mood ring moods

Orange and its ranges of it such as light or dark orange may mean aggression, nervousness, or exasperation. So will the feeling of warmth inside you. Affection received or felt towards someone may also make the ring turn pink. When your mood ring turns pink it means that you may have feelings of love, infatuation, or pure happiness. Pink is a color of love in life and so it is on the mood ring.

mood ring moods

The Purple Violet color depicts the emotional state of romance and feeling very happy, loved, and passionate. The person wearing it feels a sense of purpose and clarity about their future and how they intend to pursue it. PurpleĪ purple ring is when you have mental clarity and the desire to achieve your dreams. This is depicted by the blue colors that mean relaxation and calmness while the green color shows up when the person is alert. The mixed color of blue and green mean that you are calm and relaxed yet alert. Hence this color also depicts a deep and intensely calm person. The Royal Blue color is also a color belonging to the blue color category which is about relaxation. So when you see these colors do not panic as they mean no harm and depict calmness. Similar to light blue the dark blue on a mood ring reflects that the person is even more deeply relaxed and calm. This made its use in the spiritual contact with the spirits and many mediums started using the mood rings to communicate with the spirits as they would change the color of the ring to depict what they want to say with emotions.Ī light blue mood ring is associated with calmness, when the person wearing the ring is calm and not stressed that is when the color of the ring changes to light blue. The rings change color based on the temperature and according to some, it reflects the energy surrounding the ring.

mood ring moods

The rings when worn on the fingers reflect the mood based on the blood flow that is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. The ring consists of thermo-tropic liquid crystals that respond to the heat temperature of the human body or the energy flow. What to do if you are feeling a certain way and the ring does not show that?.

Mood ring moods