Sublime text plugins
Sublime text plugins

  1. #Sublime text plugins how to#
  2. #Sublime text plugins for mac#
  3. #Sublime text plugins update#
  4. #Sublime text plugins full#

#Sublime text plugins for mac#

Apple Silicon and Linux ARM64 Sublime Text for Mac now includes native support for Apple Silicon processors. This results in a fluid UI all the way up to 8K resolutions, all while using less power than before.

#Sublime text plugins how to#

How to install and use: In your IDE: Open Settings > Plugins. Sublime Text can now utilize your GPU on Linux, Mac and Windows when rendering the interface.

  • Swagger Nav – Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for quick navigation in Swagger files. This plugin enables you to use your Sublime Text Snippets directly as Live Templates.
  • Supports Secure Hash / Message Digest such as MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256, SHA-512, encoding / decoding of Base64, Base32, Base16, URL encoding, Quoted-Printable, JSON, XML, Punycode, IDNA, etc.
  • Codec – Codecs Plugin for Sublime Text. Open Sublime Text, menu Tools->New Plugins, then a python file is automatically created for us as below.
  • PHPSnippets – PHP snippets for Sublime Text.
  • Timestamp Converter – Timestamp converter is a small plugin to convert a date into a timestamp or a timestamp into a date.
  • Laravel 5 Artisan – Laravel 5 Artisan Commands for Sublime Text 3 (with support for custom commands.
  • SideBarEnhancements – Enhancements to Sublime Text sidebar.
  • LiveReload – LiveReload plugin for SublimeText.
  • BracketHighlighter – Bracket and tag highlighter for Sublime Text.
  • #Sublime text plugins full#

  • Emmet – Emmet is a plugin for many popular text editors which greatly improves HTML & CSS workflow. The minute you start developing a site, the first tool youll use is a text editor, whether its as simple as notepad or a full blown IDE.
  • View In Browser – Open the contents of your current view/tab in a web browser.
  • Terminal – Launch terminals from the current file or the root project folder (with support for iTerm2).
  • Gist – A great way to access your templates and code snippets (both public and private) no matter where you are.
  • Autoprefixer – If you spend any time working on CSS that needs to be cross-browser compatible this plugin will save you a bunch of time.
  • AppendSemiColon – Easily place a semicolon at the end of a line with a hotkey.
  • sublime text plugins

    You can also browse the repository at the Package Control Site.

    sublime text plugins

    Use this package to install all the rest.

  • Package Control – Goes without saying.
  • If you found this article useful please consider sponsoring us on Github, our goal is to be able to spend our time writing useful articles for the community.If you spend most of your day working on source code in Sublime Text 3 like I do these plugins will save you a bunch of time and effort and just make things more usable from a development standpoint. My preferred way to install it is using the very popular Sublime Package Control, but you can also clone the code needed from the Github repository.

    sublime text plugins

    Change the colour of how GitGutter is presented (I have no problems with the default).

    #Sublime text plugins update#

    Set it to only update once the file saves, or have it update live (I prefer live).Jump between changes (super useful in a large file).Features of GitGutterĪs well as visually showing you what lines have changed, you can also do the following with GitGutter If you are a git user, having a view on what has changed as part of your next commit is incredibly useful – You can see at a glance in a file if you have removed something, which is handy if you make a change and walk away from your machine and need to get a feel for what you were doing. The Sublime Text package manager that makes it exceedingly simple to find, install and keep packages up-to-date. GitGutter allows you to see what changes have happened since your last commit in git, it will let you easily see what lines have been added, removed or edited. There are lots of useful shortcuts, snippets, and plugins that allow me, in a fast and easy way, to work with code or simple text. GitGutter is one of my favourite Sublime Text plugins, and it is one of the first to be installed when I am setting up a new environment.

    Sublime text plugins